While thinking about Mother's Day, I decided to interview Anna Jane and see what kinds of thoughts she had about her Mom. Here are her verbatim answers:
How old is your Mom? 13 -
What does your Mom look like? she looks like her Mama -
What does your Mom do for fun? she likes to make cakes, cookies and cupcakes. She likes to make things very special. -
What do you like best about your Mom? I like her when we go swimming. She's the best, best, best...best Mommy! -
What does your Mom do for you? sometimes she lets me plant all by myself -
Why does Daddy love your Mom? because she has freckles and she loves, loves, loves.....loves him! -
What is your Mom's favorite color? pink -
food? broccoli -
drink? wine -
restaurant? ChicFilA -
friend? Miss Amanda -
animal? cat -
song? "warm kitty, soft kitty, little ball of fur..." -
What is something that your Mom says to you? Come on, Ladybug! -
What makes Mom happy? ME! -
What makes Mom sad? when I get a boo-boo -
What makes Mom mad? when I pick my boo-boos -
What makes Mom laugh? "Popsicle Head!" (and she makes a crazy face!) -
What does Mom do to make you laugh? she makes crazy eyeballs -
How tall is Mom? 17 feet tall -
What does your Mom do when you are not around? she makes lunch and she washes laundry -
If your Mom became famous, what would it be for? she would be in the movies being a ballerina -
What is something that your Mom is really good at? eating bananas and playing games -
What is your Mom not very good at? eating lots of apples -
What does your Mom do for a job? she works all day doing laundry -
What do you do that makes your Mom proud? when I go to the bathroom and don't pee in my pants -
What makes you proud of your Mom? when she takes me swimming -
What is something that you and Mom do together? swim, go on a date to the movies and go to the factory and buy some donuts in Johnston County -
How are you and your Mom the same? I like yellow and she likes yellow -
How are you different? our hair is different from each other -
How do you know your Mom loves you? my heart tells me -
Tell me about your Gramma. She is my favorite Gramma and she is very nice and she is very expensive and she lets me buy jingles.
I guess my 3 comments about this are:
what are jingles? (number 32)
where is the donut factory in Johnston County? because I am THERE!
maybe I should have taken her swimming before we played this little game because it was certainly on her mind!